About Us
Welcome to Has Trailer
Hastrailer started to make a quality production in 2009 and succeeded in gaining a place for itself in the Antalya Organized Industrial Zone in a short time. Supporting the industry with its 2,500 m2 closed and 12,000 m2 open area, Hastrailer still maintains the importance it attaches to its production infrastructure in 2010, and succeeded in incorporating the production track that it gave orders from abroad in 2011 and laying the foundations of its new factory. The factory, of which 22.000 m2 is closed and 44,000 m2 is open, started its operations in August 2013 and started production.
By keeping the needs and expectations of its customers at the highest level, Hastrailer has succeeded in becoming a reliable and sought-after company. With the justified pride of this success, it aims to continuously increase its market share. By following the technological developments in the globalizing world market and spreading the total quality philosophy in all management and application levels; continues to fulfill its responsibilities to humanity, environment and universal values.
Chairman of the Board
Abdurrahman SARI
Vice Chairman of the Board
Hüseyin SARI